About the Journal

Nature can provide all the remedies, for all. All substances produced by nature can be recognized; all cells talk the same language as we all are from the same mother cell. Journal of Natural Remedies started in 2001 devoted towards the understandings of all remedies from nature.

JNR is an Open Access, Double-Blind Peer Reviewed and Monthly Journal. All submitted Manuscripts are first subjected to Plagiarism check using CrossCheck iThenticate. The published articles will be allocated a DOI (Digital object Identifier) Number. Articles in the below mentioned categories will be considered:

  • Review Articles
  • Short Review
  • Research Articles
  • Case Report
  • Short Communication

Peer Review Process

All the manuscripts submitted to Journal of Natural Remedies will be subjected to Double Blind Peer Review process. The Double Blind Peer Review is practiced with the intention that there is a fair review to help improve the research submission.

  • Double Blind Peer Review--- Authors are kept anonymous. Reviewers will not know who the author is for the manuscript assigned to them. Likewise the author will not be aware of who the reviewer is for their manuscript.
  • The manuscript will be reviewed by two suitable experts in the subject area of the submission.
  • The review reports from both the reviewers will be considered while deciding on acceptance/revision or rejection of a manuscript.
  • Editor-In-Chief (EIC) will make the final decision, based on reviewer’s comments.
  • EIC can ask one or more editorial board members for their suggestions upon a manuscript, before making the final decision.
  • Associate editors and review editors provide the administrative support to maintain the integrity of peer review process.
  • Authors need to make the necessary changes based on review comments before it is considered for acceptance.
  • Canvassing in any form, at any stage of the article will lead to rejection of the manuscript.
  • Duration of review process from the time the manuscript is assigned to a reviewer, would be close to 45 working days.
  • The article accepted for publication will be queued for the next issue of publication.

Publication Frequency


Open Access Policy

In order to ensure the maximum exposure to the contributors of Journal of Natural Remedies (JNR) Publications, we have adopted the open access policy, which means that;

  • All the articles published in Journal of Natural Remedies is available freely and can be accessed online immediately after publication in an easily readable format, without any subscription or registration barrier. Unrestricted Access and Unrestricted Reuse
  • All the published articles are licensed under a Creative Commons license. Articles can be shared and adapted, provided the attribution for the work is given.