Turnover Intention among Generation Y : A Study of Coal Sector

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  • Ph.D Scholar, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad, Jharkhand 826 004 ,IN
  • Professor, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad, Jharkhand 826 004 ,IN
  • Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad, Jharkhand 826 004 ,IN


Job Satisfaction, Job Stress, Job Characteristics, Employee Turnover Intention, Coal Sector.


The modern workplace is undergoing a constant change as the new generation that is generation Y is replacing the previous generations rather fast. This generation has a different mind-set from the earlier one which were more loyal to the organisation. With more and more generation Y entering the coal industry a new trend has been observed that turnover rates is rising significantly. The present paper is an attempt to investigate the relationship between job satisfaction, job stress, job characteristics on the one hand and employee turnover intention on the other among generation Y employees in the coal sector. Survey respondents include 267 frontline executives and the nonexecutives working in coal industry in Dhanbad region, India, who were selected by simple random sampling method. Results derived from structural equation modelling (SEM) and AMOS showed that job satisfaction and job stress have significant impact on employee turnover intention whereas job characteristics does not have any significant impact on employee turnover intention. The modern workplace is undergoing a constant change as the new generation that is generation Y is replacing the previous generations rather fast. This generation has a different mind-set from the earlier one which were more loyal to the organisation. With more and more generation Y entering the coal industry a new trend has been observed that turnover rates is rising significantly. The present paper is an attempt to investigate the relationship between job satisfaction, job stress, job characteristics on the one hand and employee turnover intention on the other among generation Y employees in the coal sector. Survey respondents include 267 frontline executives and the nonexecutives working in coal industry in Dhanbad region, India, who were selected by simple random sampling method. Results derived from structural equation modelling (SEM) and AMOS showed that job satisfaction and job stress have significant impact on employee turnover intention whereas job characteristics does not have any significant impact on employee turnover intention.


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Anshul, A., Pathak, P., & Singh, S. (2022). Turnover Intention among Generation Y : A Study of Coal Sector. Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, 66(3), 163–170. Retrieved from https://www.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/jmmf/article/view/31675






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