Optimization of Opencast Mines Using Minimum Cut Algorithm – A Case Study from Iron Mine
Modeling of deposit, open pit optimization, opencast mines, surface mining, surpac, numerical modelingAbstract
The demand and supply gap are on a rising trend in this developing world for all the minerals/ores. There is an acute need for suitable technological advancements in the field of mine planning with an aim for zero mining waste. The advanced technology will not only help in the optimum extraction of ores but will also maximize the profit ensuring safety and productivity. In this paper, an open pit optimization algorithm is proposed using a minimum cut algorithm and heuristic algorithm. The parametric minimum cut algorithm is used to generate pit shells, same as other mining software, and the resource constraints are imposed on the generated pit shells results using the heuristic algorithm to optimize the production plan. A case study is presented in an iron ore deposit from India, and the results were compared to the traditional method.
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