Technical Alliances as a Strategy to Create Knowledge: Analysis of Patterns Across Indian Pharmaceutical Firms

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Firms, Knowledge Creation, Patents, Technical Alliances


It is widely acknowledged that knowledge creation is the major driver of firms' growth and lies at the very heart of the competitive process. Technical alliances are increasingly adopted as a strategy to create knowledge creation and improve the performance of firms as firms often do not possess all the knowledge required to innovate. It has brought to the fore, the need to mobilize not only internal resources, but also external actors. This paper examines some relevant cases from the Indian Pharmaceutical sector, which enables us to compare different strategies adopted across firms and what drives the selection of strategies.


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How to Cite

Khanna, R. (2018). Technical Alliances as a Strategy to Create Knowledge: Analysis of Patterns Across Indian Pharmaceutical Firms. Journal of Business Thought, 7, 89–114. Retrieved from
Received 2018-05-23
Accepted 2018-05-23
Published 2018-05-23



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