Antioxidant Properties of the Extracts of Talinum triangulare and its Effect on Antioxidant enzymes in Tissue Homogenate of Swiss Albino Rat

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  • ,NG
  • Department of Biochemistry, Ekiti State University, Ado"‘Ekiti ,NG


Antioxidant, free radicals, homogenate, in vitro, Talinum triangulare


Objectives: This study was designed to put into consideration both the in vitro and in vivo investigations on Talinum triangulare (Tt), an herbaceous perennial plant that is a native of tropical America and one of the most important vegetables in Nigeria. Methods: Total phenolic contents in (mg GAE/100 g), flavonoid contents, the ferric reducing antioxidant properties (FRAP), 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), hydroxyl free radical scavenging ability (OH-) and iron chelating ability were carried out in vivo using standard described methods while GSH, GPx, catalase and SOD were determined in vivo using standard described methods. Results: In the three different solvents extraction of T. triangulare that were studied in vitro, it was noted that ethyl acetate and ethanolic fractions of T. triangulare showed potent antioxidant activity against DPPH and iron chelating property with high phenolic content except Hydroxyl free radical scavenging ability that showed highest value in the aqueous extract, while the Reduced GSH indicated the highest in the parameter determined in vivo. Conclusion: The antioxidant properties showed in this solvent extractable component probably could have been the basis for the enhanced activities of antioxidant enzymes at very lower dose in the examined tissue homogenates. Therefore, T. triangulare can thereby serve as a means of Preventing some of major degenerative diseases challenging Humans.


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How to Cite

Afolabi, O. B., & Oloyede, O. I. (2018). Antioxidant Properties of the Extracts of <i>Talinum triangulare</i> and its Effect on Antioxidant enzymes in Tissue Homogenate of Swiss Albino Rat. Toxicology International, 21(3), 307–313. Retrieved from



Original Research
Received 2018-06-04
Accepted 2018-06-04
Published 2018-06-04



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