Entrepreneurship and Digital Economy – A Bibliometric Analysis

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  • Assistant Professor, Department of Economics RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur – 440012, Maharashtra ,IN




Bibliometric Analysis, Digital Economy, Entrepreneurship, VOSviewer


The advent of the digital economy has led to the emergence of entrepreneurship which is significantly different from the existing entrepreneurial ecosystem. This study focuses on bibliometric analysis of research on the interrelationship between entrepreneurship and the digital economy. The goal is to assess the trends in global research on the relationship between entrepreneurship and the digital economy as well as the output of publication, co-authorships, co-occurrences of keywords and citations in these topics. Using the Web of Science database, a bibliometric analysis of articles under the topic “entrepreneurship” and “digital economy” has been done. A total of 293 documents were retrieved from the database and after refining them for language and type of documents, 220 documents were selected for analysis. Nodes and linkages between authors, citations, keywords and co-citations were created using VOSviewer software. The growth in literature has significantly increased since 2018, with the USA leading the research on the topic. The keyword analysis showed that the focal point of entrepreneurship research is shifting from innovation and ICT to digital entrepreneurship and new business models of sharing economy and gig economy. While providing insights into the research in the digital economy and entrepreneurship, this study also outlines the path to future research.


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How to Cite

Samudra, A. (2023). Entrepreneurship and Digital Economy – A Bibliometric Analysis. SDMIMD Journal of Management, 14(1), 9–24. https://doi.org/10.18311/sdmimd/2023/32449






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