Need for Reforms in the Pedagogy of Management Education

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  • Dr MGR University, Chennai ,IN


Pedagogy, Management Education, Leadership.


Business schools are undergoing a fundamental transformation in response to changing student values, the internet, globalization, shifting demographics, and severe economic pressures. The need of the hour is that business schools innovate, refocus, and restructure, or they will end up creating unemployable students. Managerial decision making depends as much on the communication and inter personal skills, team management skills and leadership abilities of the executives as on their skills as strategic thinkers. May be business schools are doing an average job of preparing their students for challenging careers but average is not good enough anymore due to intensity of competition & cut throat fight for survival. Business schools should be known more for the effectiveness of its education program than for the efficiency of its admissions personnel. That doesn't serve the school, the students, or the employers. Management education has become a major profession that attracts considerable attention across the world.




How to Cite

Pande, M. (2014). Need for Reforms in the Pedagogy of Management Education. Nitte Management Review, 8(2), 37–42. Retrieved from


