Concept of Essential Amino Acids in Human Nutrition - A Need for Reassessment (With Special Reference to School Children) Part III Changes in the Activity of Amino Acids Transaminases as a Response to Adaptation to P. C. M. for Preschool Children

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  • M.A.C.S., Poona - 4 ,IN
  • M.A.C.S., Poona - 4 ,IN


Protein-Calorie Malnutrition (PCM) is a serious problem for preschool age children in the developing countries. Many studies have been made on altered levels of enzyme activity as a response to PCM.


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How to Cite

Chitre, R. G., & Agte, V. (1981). Concept of Essential Amino Acids in Human Nutrition - A Need for Reassessment (With Special Reference to School Children) Part III Changes in the Activity of Amino Acids Transaminases as a Response to Adaptation to P. C. M. for Preschool Children. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 18(6), 204–208. Retrieved from



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