Modern Household Science

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The book Modern Household Science by Eva M. Ling is an interesting volume of 258 pages written in simple language to be understood by the students at all college levels. Written in a lucid form, the book covers the following contents in fifteen chapters-Soap; Soapless detergents, washing powders and other washing aids; Hard and soft water; Natural cellulose fibres - cotton and linen, wool and silk, the natural protein fibres, fibres derived from cellulose, viscose and cuprammonium rayon and cellulose acetate fibres, polynosic rayons, synthetic fibres; polyamides, polyesters and acrylic fibres and other synthetic fibres; Fabric and Fabric construction, colour in fabrics, special treatments applied to fibres and fabrics, fabric mixtures; Stain removal and dry cleaning; Electricity; Gas in the home; Hot water and washing machines, dryers and other appliances used in laundry work.


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How to Cite

Rajagopal, L. S. (1978). Modern Household Science. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 15(10), 359–359. Retrieved from



Book Review