Nutritional Status of Tribes in the Indravati River Basin

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  • Biometry Department, Maharashtra Association for Cultivation of Science, Pune-4 ,IN
  • Biometry Department, Maharashtra Association for Cultivation of Science, Pune-4 ,IN
  • Biometry Department, Maharashtra Association for Cultivation of Science, Pune-4 ,IN


Thirty eight million tribals in India constitute seven per cent of the population and the largest group of aboriginals in any country'. Problems of socioeconomic developments of this group have received considerable attention in the post independence India. Nutritionists have also been interested in studying this social group. It is generally recognised that as a result of extreme poverty, intake of various essential constituents of food may be inadequate among tribals in India and abroad.


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How to Cite

Gore, A. P., Tilve, S., & Kulkarni, M. (1977). Nutritional Status of Tribes in the Indravati River Basin. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 14(6), 167–172. Retrieved from



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