Studies on Feeding of Unconventional Feeds to Milch Cows - Mango Seed Kernel

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  • Institute of Agriculture, Anand, G. S. ,IN
  • Institute of Agriculture, Anand, G. S. ,IN
  • Institute of Agriculture, Anand, G. S. ,IN


Agricultural team sponsored by Ford Foundation recommended extensive use of food byproducts and waste materials. Study group appointed by I. C A. R. has also recommended the use of number of byproducts. This shows the acute shortage of feeds for our cattle and other animals. Mango seed kernel is a byproduct from mango fruit canning industry and it is also collected by merchants in different areas. Kehar, Kehar and Chanda, Kehar and Sahai, and Sahai have studied some of the unconventional feeds. In the present study mango seed kernel was tried to see its effect on milch cows.


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How to Cite

Patel, B. M., Shukla, P. C., & Patel, C. A. (1970). Studies on Feeding of Unconventional Feeds to Milch Cows - Mango Seed Kernel. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 7(6), 363–365. Retrieved from





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