Continuous Learning – Part of Ethics for a True Professional

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  • Dr. P. V. VENKITAKRISHNAN is former Distinguished Scientist & Director, ISRO. Currently he is Prof. Satish Dhawan Scientist in ISRO HQ Bangalore. Recipient of several awards like - ISRO Performance Excellence award for the year 2016, Life Time Achievement Award -2019 from Society of Aerospace Manufacturing Engineers, National Metallurgist Award – 2019 from Ministry of Steel & Mines from Govt of India),Outstanding Achievement and Leadership Award from Society of Indian Aerospace Technologies and Industries (SIATI) 2021, Lifetime Achievement Award from Indian Institute of Materials Management (IIMM) 2021. Dr. Venkitakrishnan has got more than 100 publications in National &Internal Journals and is currently one of the prominent scientists of the country. ,IN


Continuous Learning, updation, Ethics, Un-Learning and Re learning


This article highlights the importance of continuous learning and updation for a true practicing professional. It has to be seen as a commitment and a part of professional ethics. It reminds the reader that an obsolete human resource is equally bad as any other resource used in the organisation.


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How to Cite

Venkitakrishnan, P. V. (2022). Continuous Learning – Part of Ethics for a True Professional. Asian Journal of Professional Ethics & Management, 14(2), 29–32. Retrieved from






‘Life Long Learning – Why it is more important and doable than you think’ By Don McMinn - iPlace Press ( Aug 2015)

‘Life Long Learning’ By Norman Longworth and W Keith Davis - Taylor and Francis (2014)

Engineering Ethics’ by Dr C.G.Krishnadas Nair - Navbharath Enterprises, Bangalore (2006, 2008, 2009,2018)

‘Managing Performance’by Dr C G Krishnadas Nair - Jain University Press (2018)