Tracking Food And Lifestyle Changes Pre And Post Dietary Intervention Among Cancer Patients

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Cancer is an abnormal cells division without programmed cell death, and can metastasize. Cancer incidents are increasing due to nutrition and lifestyle transition. But mortality can be driven by the exposure to risk factors, screening and early clinical and nutritional intervention. This study was conducted with an aim to find out the dietary and social changes post cancer detection and pre dietary intervention and the impact of nutritional counseling. This cross-sectional study included data collection using a questionnaire fromlOO recently detected cancer patients from tertiary-hospital, using purposive random sampling technique. The mean BMI of males (n=60) was 23.0 ± 5.42 Kg/m2 and females was 23.7 ± 6.45 Kg/m2. The dietary analysis revealed 35 patients started consuming vegetables daily and 70% males and 75% females started consuming fruits more frequently post-diagnosis (p=0.04). Younger patients consumed more fruit and vegetable juice (p=0.005). Pre-nutritional intervention some patients had stopped consuming milk (n=19), fish (n=34) and meat (n=35). Twenty out of twenty-five patients quit tobacco, 18 out of the 22 quit smoking, 20 of 21 stopped alcohol consumption post-diagnosis. Sixteen patients had quit their professions and 31 were on job-leave. Forty-four participants stopped routine exercise and 15 stopped outdoor sports, 46 stopped household-chores. Post-dietary intervention, the mean SGA score and dietary compliance improved significantly; p=0.02 and p=0.02, respectively. Mean creatinine, uric acid and fasting glucose levels had decreased significantly. Hence, an early clinical and dietary intervention, may help to regulate the healthy food choices and do have a positive impact on the nutritional-status.



How to Cite

Kaku, N., Timmanpyati, S., Mahajan, P., & Arolkar, P. (2021). Tracking Food And Lifestyle Changes Pre And Post Dietary Intervention Among Cancer Patients. Journal of Indian Dietetics Association, 43(1), 53–62. Retrieved from






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