Dietary Practices and Nutritional Status:A Case Study of the Rich and the Poor in Tamilnadu

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  • Department of Fertility Studies, International Institute for Population Sciences, Deonar, Bombay - 400 080 ,IN
  • National Institute of Nutrition , Indian Council of Medical Research, Jamai Osmania, Hyderabad - 500 007 ,IN


Diet surveys constitute an essential part of any complete study of nutritional status of individuals or households, providing necessary information on food and nutrients intake level, food habits and so on. Although anthropometry and clinical indicators are more appropriate for measuring nutritional status, dietary survey is helpful to determine and evaluate intake levels of food and nutrients and special food practices, that is to assess what people eat qualitatively and quantitatively and find out the inadequacies in the existing dietary pattern and habits. Specially designed diet surveys throw up vital information about dietary practices during pregnancy and lactation.


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How to Cite

Arokiasamy, P., & Visweswara Rao, K. (1994). Dietary Practices and Nutritional Status:A Case Study of the Rich and the Poor in Tamilnadu. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 31(2), 30–39. Retrieved from



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