Pattern of Observing Fasts Over Health Status of Women in Chandigarh

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  • Department of Community Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Chandigarh -160 047 ,IN
  • Department of Community Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Chandigarh -160 047 ,IN
  • Department of Community Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Chandigarh -160 047 ,IN


Fasting is an important means applied for diagnostic, theropeutic and preventive medicine such as assessing blood glucose level, cholesterol etc., to control obesity and reduce calorie consumption in ailments like cardiovascular disorders, diabetes and osteoarthritis. Besides that, dieting in adolescents and young persons is observed to look slim and follow role models in modern day life. In India, a large number of women observe fast as a social cause following certain customs and religious beliefs. Studies have proved that religion makes an important impact on health. Older adults particularly women who attend religious services at least once a week appear to have a survival advantage over those attending services less frequently. Attendance at religious services has been associated with higher well-being, less depression and lower blood pressure. Women who keep more fasts are likely to be more religious. However, such benefits may be neutralized as a result of added problem of fasting such as medical problem occurring on the day of fasting and observing fasts during vulnerable phases (pregnancy, lactation and adolescent.


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How to Cite

Bhatia, V., Swami, H. M., & Seema, M. S. (2005). Pattern of Observing Fasts Over Health Status of Women in Chandigarh. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 42(7), 317–325. Retrieved from



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