Nutrient Composition of Mixes and Biscuits Prepared from Malted and Raw Wheat and Bengal Gram Grains with and without Colocasia Leaf Powder

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  • Department of Foods and Nutrition, M.S. University of Baroda, Baroda - 390 001, Gujarat ,IN
  • Department of Foods and Nutrition, M.S. University of Baroda, Baroda - 390 001, Gujarat ,IN


Germination facilitates improvement of the nutritive quality of grains by enhancing the contents and availability of nutrients. In the present study, an attempt has been made to use these malted grains in the preparation of biscuits with a view of producing a better quality product. Moreover, a green leafy vegetable in the powdered form has been added to biscuits to further enhance the nutritive value of the product prepared from already modified grains. Malted grains have been successfully used in various weaning foods for infants and preschool children to increase the energy density of the feed and decrease the paste viscosity.


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How to Cite

Goyle, A., & Gujral, S. (1996). Nutrient Composition of Mixes and Biscuits Prepared from Malted and Raw Wheat and Bengal Gram Grains with and without Colocasia Leaf Powder. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 33(10), 258–262. Retrieved from



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