Characteristics and Utilization of Vegetable Types of Pigeon Peas (Cajanus cajan (L). Millsp.)

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  • Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, J. N. Agricultural University, Jabalpur, M. P. ,IN
  • Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, J. N. Agricultural University, Jabalpur, M. P. ,IN
  • Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, J. N. Agricultural University, Jabalpur, M. P. ,IN
  • Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, J. N. Agricultural University, Jabalpur, M. P. ,IN


Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L) Millsp.) plant produces protein rich seeds which are commonly used as 'Dhal' (split seed/pulse) and could also be consumed as vegetable at edible green pod stage. Its value as a delicious protein rich vegetable has not been widely appreciated in this subcontinent nor the reports are available about the chemical or nutritional characteristics of varieties preferred for use as vegetable.


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How to Cite

Singh, L., Singh, N., Shrivastava, M. P., & Gupta, A. K. (1977). Characteristics and Utilization of Vegetable Types of Pigeon Peas (<i>Cajanus cajan</i> (L). <i>Millsp</i>.). The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 14(1), 8–10. Retrieved from



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