The Protein Problem in the Asia and the Far East Region

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  • Food Policy and Food Science Service, Nutrition Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome ,IT


One of the important activities of FAO has been the Indicative World Plan Study (IWP) which was started in 1966. The IWP has been developing a long term strategy for agricultural production and trade in order to find a solution to the problems of food shortage and malnutrition that are likely to face the world between the period 1962 to 1985. The development of specific targets for food production, consumption and trade was based on the actual food and nutrition situation in the base period (1961 to 1963) and the estimation of the food requirements for the two time perspectives, 1975 and 1985.


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How to Cite

Laurel Bocobo, D. (1970). The Protein Problem in the Asia and the Far East Region. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 7(5), 307–316. Retrieved from



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