Online Social Network Usage for Increased Organizational Performance: Underpinnings Emphasizing Creativity of Employees and Employee-Autonomy-Handling Capability

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  • Decision Sciences and Information Systems Area, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bangalore ,IN


Organization Structures, Online Social Networks, Creativity, Autonomy.
Organizational Change and Development


Some of the features that affect organizational performance have been attempted. These features are more relevant in organizations that are oriented towards innovation. In particular, benefits that accrue from the usage of Online Social Networks (OSN) are looked at in an organizational setting. The different orders of creativity and relationship between weak links and creativity in an organizational context have been elucidated. The complex relationship between OSN usage and an individual's capability to handle autonomy is examined in detail. A formal analysis of this relationship has been presented.

Author Biography

B. Shekar, Decision Sciences and Information Systems Area, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bangalore

Professor Decision Sciences and Information Systems Area, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bangalore, India.




How to Cite

Shekar, B. (2017). Online Social Network Usage for Increased Organizational Performance: Underpinnings Emphasizing Creativity of Employees and Employee-Autonomy-Handling Capability. DHARANA - Bhavan’s International Journal of Business, 11(1), 33–38. Retrieved from



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