Effect of Polarity on Melting Rate in Submerged Arc Welding

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  • Welding Research Laboratory, Deptt. of Mechanical & Industrial Engg., University of Roorkee, Roorkee - 247 667 ,IN
  • Welding Research Laboratory, Deptt. of Mechanical & Industrial Engg., University of Roorkee, Roorkee - 247 667 ,IN
  • Welding Research Laboratory, Deptt. of Mechanical & Industrial Engg., University of Roorkee, Roorkee - 247 667 ,IN


The influence of polarity at various levels of welding currents varying from 300 Amp to 700 Amp between the arc voltage of 28 volt and 32 volt on the melting rate, and the bead geometry has been investigated. It has been observed that at a given value of welding current and voltage the melting rate is larger at DCEN as compared to that at DCEP. At a given arc voltage the difference in melting rate increases with the increase in current. However, at a given welding current the variation in crc voltage shows an insignificant effect on melting rate under straight polarity (DCEN). The DCEN produces an irregular bead shape due to piling up of metal deposition and gives lower penetration along with lower bead width and higher bead height than those observed at DCEP.





