Anomalous Components of Cosmic Rays and Pulsation of Solar Core

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  • Department of Applied Mathematics, Calcutta University, Calcutta - 700 009 ,IN


The anomalous component of cosmic rays is important because it (i) reveals a large acceleration region in the outer hcliosphere, (ii) provides the opportunity to obtain the composition of neutral elements in the VLISM and (iii) indicates features of solar modulation. In this paper we suggest that the anomalous component of cosmic rays are those of interstellar neutrals which enter the solar system due to the solar core pulsation. The interstellar neutrals enter the solar system during the contraction of the solar core after the sunspot maximum has ceased (during this time solar core attracts interstellar neutrals into the solar system). Thus the interstellar neutrals enter the solar system not solely due to the sun's motion relative to the galaxy as proposed by Fisk et al. Solar modulation of anomalous cosmic rays can also be explained in this idea.x


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How to Cite

Raychaudhuri, P. (1994). Anomalous Components of Cosmic Rays and Pulsation of Solar Core. Indian Science Cruiser, 8(3), 20–23. Retrieved from



Research Report



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